Haptic Mission- Kim Hyung Joon, Son Dam Bi, Kim Bum, Kim Joon

Episode 1-7 english subbed
Ep 1:






















Kang ji Hwanis is a playboy in Esquire

SS501 Solo Collection Music drama

The MV teasers of the solo songs performed by SS501 members are being released through Korea Gom TV recently. The release dates and member name / song are as follows:
15/06 – Kyu Jong’s solo song “Wuss Up”
16/06 – Hyun Joong’s solo song “Be nice to me, please”
17/06 – Hyung Joon’s solo song “Hey G”
18/06 – Young Saeng’s solo song “Nameless Memory”
19/06 – Jung Min’s solo song “If You Can’t”

All 5 Teasers:

And, finally:
In this 1st episode of the music drama, Kim Hyun Joong and Kim Kyu Jong took on the role of a killer. Both Kim Hyun Joong and Park Jung Min fell in love with the same woman in this music drama.Enjoy it!

SS501, SuperJunior

This year’s edition of the Asia Pacific’s Supermodel Contest special guests were bouyband SS501 and SuperJunior


Son Yeh Jin for OHui, Summer'09

2PM's interview in Singles...

2PM in Singles (7/09)

2PM in Singles (7/09)

Below are excerpts from an interview with 2PM in the July issue of Singles.

Q: What were your first impressions of each other?

TaecYeon: WooYoung looked extremely impertinent.

JaeBeom: [I thought so too], because Woo Young didn’t greet [others] well and was shy…..

TaecYeon: When I first saw WooYoung, I was just coming out from a shower, and the kid was rubbing his eyes. So I greeted him first with “hello” but he [continues] rubbing his eyes and says, “Ah, yes, hello” with a scowl!

JaeBeom: No matter how you look at it, we’re hyungs. Sunbaes (seniors)!

WooYoung: Wow, this got really distorted. The incident JaeBeom hyung is talking about was back from when we didn’t know each other.

JaeBeom: If you’re in the JYP practice room, obviously you’re a JYP person!

WooYoung: I went there to audition….anyways! It was because I was listening to music while waiting for my turn but time and again [you complain] that I didn’t greet you….

TaecYeon: Me, what about me?

WooYoung: I didn’t know who TaecYeon hyung was at that time either. I was so tired and out of it from preparing for the audition…. but I purposely even asked, “Have you eaten?”. Wow ~ you keep only telling what makes you seem good!

TaecYeon: It’s the truth that Woo Young is impertinent. Every member’s first impression of Woo Young was the same…

JaeBeom: But he gets more grim as you get closer. Haha, I actually love [WooYoung].

Q: When is it difficult having so many members?

TaecYeon: When choosing the menu (what to eat).

JaeBeom: Didn’t you see while we ordered the meal today? Typically, one item should be agreed on, but [we] ordered both pizza and hamburgers. It’s standard [for us] to be divided into two.

TaecYeon: JunHo, ChanSung, and WooYoung like Korean cuisine while JaeBeom hyung and Khun like Western cuisine such as pizza or hamburgers. So they quarrel all the time. I eat everything equally well.

WooYoung: You’re a weird hyung, spinning everything about yourself positively!

JunSu: Let’s do interviews without TaecYeon from now on.

JaeBeom: If TaecYeon is sleepy or bothered, he just sleeps without eating.

JunHo: Ah, really. I wasn’t going to say this but I guess I have to. TaecYeon hyung eats if he wants to and eats somebody else’s if he doesn’t want to eat.

TaecYeon: Then you guys talk [more]!

Q: What type of girl do you like?

WooYoung: For me, somebody who’s pretty just wearing jeans and a t-shirt.

JaeBeom: I don’t like it when [the girl] tries too hard to act cute or pretty, but like a natural loveliness. A natural beauty.

TaecYeon: I like someone who is good at doing her own work and has an unaffected charm. It’s a plus if she’s pretty and [another] plus if she has a good figure…..

WooYoung: Interview, hold an interview (to find such a girl).

Q: What is 2PM’s weapon (competitive advantage)?

JaeBeom: Performance. We perform what others don’t and can’t do. [We're] almost the first.

TaecYeon: We’re the first team worldwide to sing live and do acrobatics together.

JaeBeom: Because already, performance is associated with 2PM and 2PM is associated with performance.

TaecYeon: A lot of people enjoy themselves while watching us our stage performance and also get a different vibe from us compared to other existing idol [groups]. Outside of performing on stage, we’re fun and frank. I think [people] love that about us a lot. That’s what makes 2PM different.

Lee Min Ho's 22 birthday party

Lee Min Ho's mother:

Boys over Flowers breakout star, Lee Min-ho celebrated his 22nd birthday with the help of 4,500 fans on 21 June at Dome Art Hall, Children’s Grand Park in Seoul. This marked the actor’s very first fan meeting. The event also marks Min-ho’s first public appearance after his recent knee surgery .

The event, called “Minoz Happy Day mini-concert,” was named in honor of Min-ho’s newly created fan club “Minoz” and was so highly anticipated that it sold out in just 2 minutes back in May. In fact, in order to accommodate the large number of fans who showed up, two meeting were held—one at 1pm and another at 4:30pm.

In attendance were Min-ho’s Boys over Flowers co-stars Kim Hyun-joong and Kim Joon (with his T-MAX members). Cutie Kim Bum, however, was unable to attend due to his busy schedule and apologized via a pre-recorded video message.

Min-ho also surprised fans by introducing them to his mother, who received a well-deserved roar of applause (hey, she brought him into this world!)

The actor also sang the song “My Everything” from the F4 Special Edition album.

To cap off the event, an emotional Min-ho read a letter he prepared to his fans. How sweet!

on the cake it's 23 birthday 'cause they count the first year is when you are born..

Lee Min Ho performing his solo project "My Everything":

Joo Ji Hoon

Actor Ju Ji Hun was sentenced to six months in prison with one year of probation, 120 hours of community service, and a fine of 360,000 won (currently about $280 USD) in an official verdict by the Seoul Central District Court.

At 10am on June 23, Ju Ji Hun appeared in court to receive his sentence for his two-time use of ecstasy and ketamine in March and April of 2008. The three others who were with him at that time – actress Yoon Seol Hee, model Ye Hak Young, and Mr./Ms. Jeon – were given harsher sentences. Yoon was sentenced to three years, while Ye and Jeon received two years and six months with four years of probation and 200 hours of community service. (KP’s note: Ju, Ye, and Jeon received suspended sentences – which means that so long as they don’t breach their probation orders, they will not need to serve their jail time.) All of the sentences were more lenient than those sought at a hearing earlier this month.

Regarding the court’s decision on Ju, it was stated, “When considering the societal evil of the defendant taking ecstasy and ketamine twice, the nature of [his] crime is not light. However, it was taken into consideration for his sentencing that [Ju] had no previous criminal record, he is deeply reflecting [on his mistake], and that [the drugs] were taken one year and two months ago, among other factors.” It was also revealed that the court had received many mercy petitions from fans in Korea and abroad appealing on Ju’s behalf.


Jun Jin & Lee Si Young :WGM

Cei doi care formau un cuplu "fake" incepand cu episodul 42 din We Got Married si-au continuat relatiile care s-au translat in viata reala. Cei doi formeaza un cuplu si pe 23 iunie isi vor anunta relatia oficial printr-o conferinta de presa.
Interesant este ca Jun Jin(28- singer) va fi inrolat in armata toamna aceasta si va fi "plecat" pentru 2 ani. Poor Lee Si Young(27- Boys Over Flowers, WGM)


La momentul actual finalizez mai multe drame:

  • Goong S(joaca se7en- pe care sincer nu-l vazusem pana acum)cat de cat similar cu goong
  • Romance Zero(cu KangIn din WGM)- o comedie
  • A man's Story- o poveste tragica
  • My Sweet Seoul- viata celor trecuti de 30
  • Thank You- o frumoasa poveste de dragoste dintre o femeie saraca, a carui copil este Hiv pozitiva, si un doctor bogat
Am privit si ceva filme: "The beast and the beauty"- o poveste interesanta dintre o frumoasa oarba(care dupa o operatie vede din nou) si prietenul ei "urat", pe care pana la operatie nu-l vazuse , iar Shin Mina joaca extraordinar aici; si "the game"(sau asa ceva)..

Alex ft JiSun(알렉스 feat. 지선): 너무 아픈 이말

pentru: Very heartbreaking words:

Ji Sun&Alex:I love You:-continuarea povestii:

사용자 삽입 이미지

너무 아픈 이 말 (Feat. 지선) - Alex

You are so beautiful
그대는 나를 멈추게 했죠
조금도 움직일 수 없게
그대는 다가와
어느새 나를 가져 버렸죠
아무런 기척도 없이
한번쯤 고백하고 싶은데
나에겐 너무 어려운 말
사랑해 너를 사랑해
늘 바라 볼 수밖에 없는데
너의 작은 표정 하나까지도
큰 의미로 내게 다가와
자꾸 날 흔들죠
You are so beautiful
그대는 나를 외롭게 하죠
아무도 사랑할 수 없게
그대는 나에게
어느덧 아픈 단어가 됐죠
이렇게 나의 가슴에
조금만 나를 바라봐주면
달려가 네게 하고픈 말
사랑해 너를 사랑해
늘 숨기고 나 감추려 해도
너의 의미 없는 말 한 마디에
웃음짓고 눈물 흘리며
꿈에 그리는 말
그댄 모르죠
나도 그댈 사랑해
아픈 가슴조차 이젠 무뎌질만큼
오랫동안 그리며 간직해온 맘
그댄 알지 못하죠
너무 아픈 이 말
사랑해 너를 사랑해
늘 바라볼 수밖에 없는데
너의 작은 표정 하나까지도
큰 의미로 내게 다가와
웃음짓고 OH 날 울리고
자꾸 날 흔들죠
si traducerea(engleza):
You are so beautiful
You made me stop in my steps
I couldn’t move at all
You’re coming closer to me
You took me away without me even noticing
Without a trace
Just once I want to confess to you
To me these are such hard words to say
I love you, I love you
I can’t help but keep gazing at you
And every single little facial expression
You come closer to me with such great significance
You keep shaking me up
You are so beautiful
You make me so lonely,
Not even letting me love anyone else.
To me you are
Somehow it’s become such painful words.
Inside my heart,
If you would just look at me a little,
I want to run to you and tell you,
I love you, I love you
I tried to hide and conceal from you
But hearing you say that one word without any meaning
I smiled and shed tears
Words that can only be drawn into my dreams
Ji Sun:
You don’t know,
I love you too.
My heart aches so much I could bury it.
For a long time I longed for you and cherished you in my heart.
You had no way of knowing.

These very painful words,
I love you, I love you.
I can’t help but keep gazing at you.
And every single little facial expression,
You come closer to me with such great significance.
Smiling oh~ making me cry
You keep shaking me up

Zilele astea am fost mai ocupata, insa am mai strecurat si cateva drame, e greu fara ele:D:D
Mai recent ma intereseaza We Got Married si cei implicati in proiect...Kim Hyun Joong si la general cuplul Lettuce/JoongBo, Alex canta super...si ... sunt foarte multe momente comice:)))
In sfarsit am reusit sa pun in lista mea "watched" si Da Ja's Spring...e buna, la sincer vorbind ma asteptam la mult mai mult...
Aseara am inceput Sad Love Story... inceputul promite multe!!!!

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