Rain launches RAIN TV

SK Broad & IPTV and pop star Rain are working hand in hand to bring fans a new channel entirely dedicated to Rain. Talk about being self absorbed.

SK Broad & IPTV and Rain actually have a history of working together previously on his fifth album, since “Rainism” comeback footage was released through “Broad & TV.” Due to the great response to their previous collaboration, the two are getting together again to create the first celebrity IPTV channel. Through the RAIN channel, Rain will release greetings, history, advertisement, behind-the-scenes, concerts, dramas, movies, still photos, trainee debuts, Rain as a designer, as well as the movies and dramas Rain starred in. So basically, you get a channel that gives you nothing but Rain coverage, all day every day. A representative of J. Tune Entertainment stated,

Since this is the first attempt at such a project, we feel a strong sense of responsibility but hope that through the Rain channel, we will be able to and will also strive to popularize personal artists channels such as this. Also, we will use this opportunity to work to extend our community with fans.

So, get ready all you Rain fans out there, the RAIN channel is scheduled to air sometime during the second week of August!

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