East of Eden

East of Eden- a fost chiar interesant daca nu se termina cu moartea personajului principal(it's so unfair!!!) ceea ce m-a indispus foarte mult..
Daca totusi las asta la o parte- ultimele 10 serii au fost si cele mai captivante- personajul principal Lee Dong Chul atat de tare isi iubea fratele mai mic(dongsaeng- care defapt nici nu e fratele sau adevarat, in ep 48 ma uitam si nu-mi venea sa cred ca putea sa-i faca asa ceva persoanei care l-a crescut si si-a sacrificat viata pentru el si pe care el il credea odata ca fiind tatal sau- ) incat, chiar daca acesta l-a tradat(dar chiar l-a tradat!!!- in cel mai josnic mod posibil) el il ierta...tot timpul.Defapt tot din cauza lui a si murit..
Ep.47:Lee Dong Chul & his uncle:
"- Dong chul, I need to ask you something, answer me truthfully. The reason for not seeing Young Ran, is it because of her pregnancy?
- No(Anio). That is not a problem, because I love everything about Young Ran. Including Young Ran's child, Young Ran's laughter and the way she talks, and also all the tears she shed in the past. I love everything about her.
- Then why did you break up with her? There must be a reason, right?
- Yes. There's only one reason. I can't let Young Ran, for my sake, she mustn't feel any regret towards the baby, right? Between the baby and her, I mustn't become their obstacle."

Grace defapt nu era insarcinata de la Mike, ea l-a mintit pe Dong Chul ca acesta sa poata trai o viata demna... Cei doi isi rezolva problemele si se casatoresc, petrec Doar o noapte impreuna, dupa acre sunt iar despartiti....pe veci.....:((..ok...insa ea ramane insarcinata si deci, Dong Chul continua sa traiasca in copilul lor..

ep 51- starting the relationship again:

the wedding:

their happy moments together:

the last episode- preview:

Ei asta a fost East of Eden- am mai spus o data ..nota ...9-10!!!
Ultimul episod a fost rulat pe 10 martie 2009:*:*

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