

  • Genre: Romance & drama
  • Episodes: 20
  • Broadcast network: SBS
  • Broadcast period: 2006-Nov-08 to 2007-Jan-11


Kang Jae is a wealthy businessman and gangster and Mi Joo is a plastic surgeon. These two meet after Mi Joo mistakens Kang Jae as being her sleazy brother-in-law. Kang Jae just happens to be the boyfriend of Mi Joo's pregnant neighbor, Yoo Jin. Sae-yeon meets Mi-Joo and falls in love with her feisty attitude. Kang-Jae works for the father of Sae-Yeon who is a gangster. Mi-Joo and Kang-Jae fall in love.


Extended Cast

Production Credits


  • The lead stars of this drama, Lee Seo Jin and Kim Jung Eun, are real-life lovers. The two started their relationship through this drama, Lovers.

Si parerea mea: Este primul film in care am mai vazut si ceva scene inafara de sarut(si nu frantuzesc) cum sunt la celelalte..Este o poveste interesanta, mai ales ca personajele principale nu sunt tocmai tinere..Sunt multe scene comice- he's a gang!!;))..Nota 9
Intresant:Actorii formasera un cuplu de pe timpurile de filmare pana nu demult...Pacat ca s-au despartit..Aratau chiar bine impreuna

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